At 130pm local time, Nikkei Futures has lost -600 points. This is bearish. I was looking at short SIMSCI at 275.3. The support of market crashes seems to be getting stronger.
It was too fast, too furious. With Nikkei losing more than -500 points, the weaker SIMSCI followed with panic. My short order at 275.3 which was submitted in the morning was not triggered at all. And SIMSCI dipped below my maximum chase level. I have decided to forgo this trade as I am not used to chase a trade (In fact, I walked away from my workstation to avoid the temptation). A perfect plan, a disappointing execution. What a potential big profit, what a miss. Disappointed day indeed. No trade, 0 point.
273.5 supposed to be a good shorting point
273.5 supposed to be a good shorting point