RE: SIMSCI 05-Jul-2006: Short trade closed
Rooney said ‘All I need is a goal’, he failed to get one. To me, ‘I need a good trade’. I got it. I am back to business today.
Short postion was established at 292. It missed my entry 292.3 though. Initial target is set at 290.7 which appears be a intraday support level. I have two initial stop loss levels at 293 and 292.2 to protect capital. Target was achieved perfectly. In fact, selling was so fierce that out of my expectation. It hits a low of 289.3. If I caught the bigger profit, that will be a bonus, otherwise, reaching my planned target is good enough for day trading.
One trade closed with +1.3 gain. Not so big, but good execution.
Chart will be posted after market closed.
RE: SIMSCI 05-Jul-2006: Potential short
Well, to be exact, I missed an excellent Short entry for both SIMSCI and TIMSCI this morning. I was away from my screen. I see another possible short entry for the afternoon session, though I have not seen a complete setup yet.
SIMSCI 05-Jul-2006
After Germany’s exit from world cup tournament, I had a big plate of spaghetti for my breakfast. Back to business, U.S market was closed for Independence day, mostly clueless asian markets are likely to be a little bit quiet. Well, at least, SIMSCI had a small gap down this morning. I am not bearish for the day, at least, I see local market crowd are still in pretty positive buying mood. When leading markets are closed, this small crowd of market participants do help in moving the intraday market.
No setup is formed, yet.
RE: SIMSCI 04-Jul-2006: Long trade closed
Again, I have decided to close the trade at breakeven point. 293, initial target was 293.5. This is the second day in a roll I exited a trade prematurely due to false signals in my exit setup and my mentality problem to move stop to breakeven point too early. I have done badly on these two trades. This is absolutely disappointing performance.
One trade closed. +0.1 point
I am looking for another entry opportunity.
RE: SIMSCI 04-JUL-2006: Long position
Long position has been established at 292.9.