My last review of monthly trading result was at March. The relocation, new job and new timezone etc forced me to make certain changes in my trading. Well, in short, I am still trading dummies. I start day trading Forex actively since mid of September. Here is the review of my day trading so far. I am not sure if I am going to review my result online regularly, if I found myself under pressure because of this, I will just stop it.
All right, September, I day trade Forex exclusively. Started from mid September, I made 19 trades. Unintentionally, all were Long trades. I am refining my dummy trading on Forex along the way, such as choosing a right time frame that suits my current work, risk appetite, and time zone. Towards the end of the month, it was kinda tough as I saw my trading result started to slip, partly due to over trading and taking sub par setups. Forcing myself to get disciplined again, I was lucky to catch the run of EUR/JPY.
Here is the summary:
- Number of trades: 19
- winning trades: 9 (~47.3%)
- losing trades: 9 (~47.3%)
- Break even/scratched: 1
- Total R earned: 6.2
- Expectancy: 0.33
- Biggest winner: 5.78 R
- Biggest loser: -1.02 R
Here is the performance curve.
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