[photopress:suspended.PNG,full,pp_image]I am bitting my hosting firm now. As you might have noticed my site was down couples a time with the message “Exceed CPU quota”. After proving with all the log files, nothing seems to be wrong. I am still waiting for the technical support to answer me….
support: I’m truly sorry about this
support: as this isn’t normal
support: I am working with an admin to find out what is going on with this account
Since they keep claiming it might be caused by slow sql. I am wondering if WordPress 2.1 causes this? I am not sure. Any blogger out there using WordPress 2.1 and having the same problem? One of major changes in 2.1 are the fine-tuned sql queries.
Much more efficient database code, faster than previous versions. Domas Mituzas from MySQL went over all our queries with a fine-toothed comb.
Shoot me a comment if you have any clue.
I’ve read somewhere of a WP 2.1 user who was having a very similar problem. He was finally able to trace it to his SQL database- he discovered something like 100,000 extra entries in there (from comment spam or something similar, I can’t remember) which were not visible from his WordPress Admin panel. Each time a few visitors would hit the site, the server would start bogging down. Once he got into the database, discovered all the rogue records and deleted them, everything went back to normal.
Just an idea, but log into your Cpanel and look over your SQL database w/ phpMyAdmin. See if it’s clogged up with something. Of course you know the “backup before you change anything” routine.
Good luck!
I’ve read somewhere of a WP 2.1 user who was having a very similar problem. He was finally able to trace it to his SQL database- he discovered something like 100,000 extra entries in there (from comment spam or something similar, I can’t remember) which were not visible from his WordPress Admin panel. Each time a few visitors would hit the site, the server would start bogging down. Once he got into the database, discovered all the rogue records and deleted them, everything went back to normal.
Just an idea, but log into your Cpanel and look over your SQL database w/ phpMyAdmin. See if it’s clogged up with something. Of course you know the “backup before you change anything” routine.
Good luck!
Thanks Will. I will look into SQL database now. I do notice there is an significant increase of spam caught by Askimet recently.
Thanks Will. I will look into SQL database now. I do notice there is an significant increase of spam caught by Askimet recently.