Just a quick note to blog readers, occasionally, I am also sharing some charts on Tradingview. If you interested in following my charts, check out my profile.
Just a quick note to blog readers, occasionally, I am also sharing some charts on Tradingview. If you interested in following my charts, check out my profile.
This infographic was prepared by Oanda. I thought it is very clear and easy to understand.
Created by OANDA
The Greek Tragedy: Greece’s Economic Crisis, used with permission of OANDA
Interesting comparison from The Economist. comparing Real GDP growth, Inflation, and currency appreciation, it is said that China will overtake US in 2019.
Just a little experiment. I have created a Facebook Fan page for TraderGav.com. I thought it is a good venue to post some real time trading thoughts, interesting links, thoughts etc. Check it out if you are interested in joining the conversation. You can also find the Like box at the side bar of this site.
Trade well, and see you there
I have finally found some time and a simple method to create a clean archive page of this blog. I started blogging around year 2006, and I shall admit that this blog is not as organized as I would like it to be. 🙂
Anyway, in case you are interested in reading my old postings, here is the ARCHIVES.
Look! I told you there are good stuff in Traders Interview. The one and only Lonely trader, Jay, was recently interviewed. Check out my freaky friend’s interview, I am pretty sure you will be learning something from him. Check it out