I did not have any position for TIMSCI today. It was rather volatile and boring. It failed to complete my setup. In fact, after watching TIMSCI for the past few days, I found that it is a little bit tedious to trade this index. Price action goes wild frequently.
No setup for SIMSCI. I guess tomorrow should have some action after Fed meeting tonight.
I agree with some comments put on my blog about Mini Dow. I do find opportunity on this index futures. However, opportunities normaly appear after 11 to 12am Singapore time. I am the person who needs to struggle staying through the night (That’s why watching World cup is just not for me), it is risky for me to day trade in the wee hours of the morning.
I am not interested in trading stocks at this point of time.
So far, it has been a lousy week to me. Looking forward for a next better trading week.
Mini Dow timing at Sin night time – find that action starts from 9pm Sin time, 1 hour before opening of US stock market.
Mini Dow timing at Sin night time – find that action starts from 9pm Sin time, 1 hour before opening of US stock market.