Dear diary,
Now, I can only start trading after 1030pm Singapore time due to the daylight savings thingy. Well, no big deal. But, the stupid flu virus is trying very hard to hit me. I am popping in Multivitamin before start trading.
First, No dummy. I did not see any low risk dummy entry today though NQ were having a down day.
Secondly, I don’t have a plan to trade when market gap up and subsequently moving down. I decided to give it a miss before I have a concrete plan for this type of condition. I have been watching squeeze play (bollinger band breaks out from keltner channel)? for the past few days, I do not start trading this strategy as I can’t figure out the exit point. From my experience of dummy trading, my trading result will suffer when I do not have a target.
Well, let’s trade better tomorrow.
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