Billionaire gives mansions to Hawaii’s native homeless
- Billionaire gives three families keys to multimillion-dollar houses Thursday
- He says he will open eight of his 22 homes to needy Hawaiian families
- The families will be able to stay in the homes for up to 10 years
- Some neighbors speculate he is trying to drive down real estate values
Is he being philanthropic or a property trader? time will tell.
His neighbour was saying:
“Everyone’s paying homage to him, but in reality, he’s the problem,” said Mark Blackburn, who lives down the street from Kahale’s new home. “Houses are homes. They’re made to live in; they aren’t investment vehicles.”
I don’t care what his motivation is as long as it helps a few people out. Good to know that there are people like that out there.
I don’t care what his motivation is as long as it helps a few people out. Good to know that there are people like that out there.
Yeah. At least for the coming 10 years,he does help some people out. Just hope he won’t be evicting out tenants with short notice just to sell the house again ๐
Yeah. At least for the coming 10 years,he does help some people out. Just hope he won’t be evicting out tenants with short notice just to sell the house again ๐
beloved tradergav,
thanks for your information
this keeps us
to have hope that this world will be better
beloved tradergav,
thanks for your information
this keeps us
to have hope that this world will be better