It had been two tough and dark weeks for me. But, I reckon the worst is over. If you follow me on twitter, you’ll know what I am talking about. There’s nothing worse than looking at your loved ones falling sick, lying on the bed. Well… I don’t want to repeat and recall that. Let’s say, all is good now.
So, what is next for me? Exciting, and challenging. I am finishing up my current day job at the end of this month, and due to some family health issues, I am required to travel around Indonesia/Malaysia/Singapore/Australia for the next 6 months or so. Well, trading is the only thing that I can/I want to do under this situation. Is this called full time trading? Whatever, I don’t care. Bottom line is , I will have more time on market research, and trading, but, in different countries. I am excited about this challenge. But, I still want to call Australia home. I just love Melbourne.
You’ll never know what life is going to offer you tomorrow. So I choose to enjoy the challenge. There are still some small issues to be settled, and I should be back to action next week.
It can be tough, tougher, or even the toughest. But there’s no ‘toughester’, so it will be better at the end of the day.
Have a good trading week.
Glad to hear your wife is doing better. And Godspeed on future journeys!
Thanks mate!
Glad to hear your wife is doing better. And Godspeed on future journeys!
Thanks mate!