This is a message for readers who subscribed for RSS feed/blog email update of this website prior July 2013. So if you are new free update subscriber, you are safe. 🙂
Previously, the RSS feed of was handled by FeedBurner. I am now moving email update facility to Aweber. So, email subscribers will be receiving one or two (the most) emails a week for the latest update of
So what do you need to do if you are existing FeedBurner email subscriber?
Please fill in the Free Update subscription form at the side bar. Follow the confirmation process to confirm your subscription.
FeedBurner email subscription will be terminated shortly (targeting end of this week).
What if I am reading your RSS via feed reader?
Easy. Please update the RSS feed address to
That’s it. Shoot me an email via contact form, or simple leave a comment below if you have any question.
From the desk of