February is definitely a good month for currencies traders. We have AUD/USD, EUR/USD making all time high, a volatile GBP, weaker USD….blah blah… there were just so many trading opportunities. Anyway, February is over. Welcome to Autumn March. (Yup, it is Autumn in Australia now).
Before we start a new trading month, it is time for some donation. It is always good to donate some of your trading profit to help the needy . (And, it might attract more profit to you. :-)) Here are two I have chosen this month.
World Vision is a fine charity. I’ve been a contributer to them for over 3 years and my wife and I have each sponsored a child. One is in Sri Lanka and the other in Cambodia.
The best part of being a sponsor is getting the letter and pictures. My wife donated an extra $100 to her child in Cambodia and they used that money to buy the entire village school books and pencils for each child. The sponsor child got clothes and some other needed items.
Imagine, all that for $100 USD!
Cool. I am currently doing regular one off donations instead of commit on sponsorship. I would love to consider one later.
Absolutely. $100 can make a big difference to them.
World Vision is a fine charity. I’ve been a contributer to them for over 3 years and my wife and I have each sponsored a child. One is in Sri Lanka and the other in Cambodia.
The best part of being a sponsor is getting the letter and pictures. My wife donated an extra $100 to her child in Cambodia and they used that money to buy the entire village school books and pencils for each child. The sponsor child got clothes and some other needed items.
Imagine, all that for $100 USD!
Cool. I am currently doing regular one off donations instead of commit on sponsorship. I would love to consider one later.
Absolutely. $100 can make a big difference to them.
I used one months of my blog advertisement to buy two goats for random families via Worldvision once. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. Do you do that?
Buying two goats. That sounds cool. I can’t really remember what did I do. I can roughly recall it was something related to provide them clean water etc…
I used one months of my blog advertisement to buy two goats for random families via Worldvision once. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. Do you do that?
Buying two goats. That sounds cool. I can’t really remember what did I do. I can roughly recall it was something related to provide them clean water etc…
I may have mentioned this before but Kiva.org is another good way of making a difference. I’ve had only positive experience using it.
I may have mentioned this before but Kiva.org is another good way of making a difference. I’ve had only positive experience using it.