Here are the articles, webinars I have collected for this weekend’s reading.
Three Simple Steps to Improve Cognitive Performance: 2) Power Naps – Sleep is a restorative. Although sleeping on the job has a negative connotation, research finds that power naps improve creativity, memory, energy level, and general cognitive functioning. – by Brett Steenbarger – Tags: traders development –
Goals, strategy and tactics for change: The Goal: Who are you trying to change? What observable actions will let you know you’ve succeeded? – by Seth Godin – Tags: traders development –
Two Key Questions to Ask When Trading the Day Time Frame: When trading the day time frame in the stock indexes, two questions are important: 1) Who is in the market? 2) How are they positioning themselves in the market? At the most basic level, I want to generate an estimate–as early in the day as possible–whether the day is shaping up as a potential – by Brett Steenbarger – Tags: traders development –
Best Practices: Using Music as Inspiration: I want to thank those who sent best practices to be included in the new book. I will be in touch shortly. One of my best practices is to conduct my work–market analysis, writing–accompanied by inspiring music. I find that the right kinds of music keep me positively focused and help the work flow. – by Brett Steenbarger – Tags: traders development –
How To Be Successful: 6 New Shortcuts Backed By Research: We all want success. And we’d like it fast. But we can only work so long and so hard. The more-more-more ethos only goes so far. What to do? Shane’s the bestselling author of Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success. – by Eric Barker – Tags: traders development –
Investors: Managing Risk Means Knowing Yourself: Each day, active investors are tasked with digesting and analyzing the market landscape. We do this as a means for managing risk within our portfolios and prospects. – by Andrew Nyquist – Tags: traders development –
What’s the best way to trade? ~ The Thalesians: Boston is to America what Cambridge and Oxford are to Britain. Indeed, the neighbouring town to Boston, Cambridge is named after its English predecessor and has within it both Harvard and MIT. – by The Thalesians – Tags: traders development –
The Cost of Continuously Checking Email: Suppose each time you ran low on an item in your kitchen—olive oil, bananas, napkins—your instinctive response was to drop everything and race to the store. How much time would you lose? How much money would you squander on gas? What would happen to your productivity? – by Ron Friedman – Tags: traders development –
How to Combat Overtrading: For European and overseas traders we have slotted this session at a more convenient time. The Market Profile is a powerful tool to guide your trading decisions. Jim Dalton will discuss various Market Profile observations that he uses that can have a profound impact in your trade decision-making. – by J Dalton Trading – Tags: traders development –
A Creative Cure for Overtrading: The world would be a far less beautiful place without the artistry of creativity. – by Brett Steenbarger – Tags: traders development –
Enjoy, and have a good weekend.
Keep Learning, Keep Trading.